Monday, April 20, 2009

oh, the dating book.

I have never read a dating book before in my life. Probably because I am not looking for a mate, I run away from mates, but I am sure that's another issue all together.

Back to the point. I really enjoyed this book. For those of you who have no idea what you're doing, or you do know, but are looking for tips to tone up your skills in mate hunting, definitely pick up a copy of "Become Your Own Matchmaker" by Patti Stanger. It is filled with really good information. What men are looking for physically, what to say, what not to say, don't bang on the first date yadda yadda. It will give you ideas, especially if you are naturally crazy uncomfortable on dates.

This one gets straight to the point ladies. So get yourself a copy, put on that sexy dating face and go grab yourself a mate!

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