Saturday, March 9, 2013

educate yourself in investing.

I know nothing about investing, don't you need money to do that? That's probably why it hasn't crossed my radar yet. When I came across Eric Tyson's Investing in your 20s & 30s for Dummies, I felt like maybe it was time to check out my options. God knows the whole retirement fund option our grandparents cashed in on is not exactly available to our generation.

Tyson begins with Investing 101 - making sense of your options and understanding the terms and concepts. Where to make smart investments and understanding the risks involved. You can potentially lose a lot of money, that's why you need to do your homework, dummie. As someone who is swimming in student loans and hoping to buy a house soon, Chapter 5: Laying Out Your Financial Plans showed me that it may be a better idea to use my extra cash to pay down my current debt before I jump into investing. Many of you twenty and thirty-somethings are ready to start investing your money in preparation for you and your family's future. Now is the time, so educate yourself.

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