Friday, March 1, 2013

wait, okay, i think i get it now.

When it comes to computer programming I'm at about a fifth grade level, maybe lower. I'm thinkin' Warren and Carter Sande (father/son combo) had me in mind when they titled their manual Hello World!: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners. The book may be designed for a young audience, but that doesn't mean it has been dumbed down too far to be useful for us computer illiterate adults. The depth and pace of the material is appropriate for anyone who is starting from scratch, and the Sande team teaches programming with A LOT of examples. I love examples, and as a teacher, I love this book. I'm thinking the Sande's worked together to keep the language nice and simple, covering everything from memory, modules, and variables to input, data, and graphics. You'll be thinking and creating like a Python programmer in no time!

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