Friday, March 7, 2014

you're only 3 steps away from a healthier you. + givewaway!

Chris Kresser has got a plan, a three step plan to be exact. This plan is going to help you lose weight, reverse disease, and help you stay fit and healthy for life. Going along with the heart healthy, paleo style of eating, Kresser has created a realistic program to help us conquer sickness and obesity, which we know is a huge problem in our country.

Your Personal Paleo Code: The 3-Step Plan to Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, and Stay Fit and Healthy for Life specifies the three steps you must be willing to follow to achieve your health goals. Reset, Rebuild, and Revive. Reset consists of a thirty-day diet that eliminates modern foods that human's digestive systems were never supposed to eat in the first place. Rebuild allows you to reintroduce foods like dairy, that may not have been around when the cavemen wandered the earth but still have their health benefits when made properly, to your diet. And finally, Revive involves tweaking your unique paleo code to fit your lifestyle and your body. This includes deciding how many meals you should be eating and what they should consist of, based on what makes your body feel its best. The Revive section introduces the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time you follow your paleo code, and 20% of the time you eat what you like. This will help you make this a lifestyle change, rather than a fad diet you will soon give up.

Kresser teaches us to trust ourselves, our bodies, our instincts, so that we can truly understand what makes our bodies run the way they are intended to.

Win a FREE copy of Your Personal Paleo Code!
Contest Rules:
1. Follow this blog :)
2. E-mail your name and this book title to: to enter!
3. Contest ends 3/14 @ 10:00AM

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